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1import inspect 


3from prisma import Prisma 



6def test_ensure_batch_and_action_signatures_are_equal(client: Prisma) -> None: 

7 """Batch method signature is the same as it's corresponding client method 


9 This is to ensure that if an client method is updated then it's corresponding 

10 batch method must also be updated. 


12 I acknowledge that the presence of this test would normally be considered the 

13 result of an anti-pattern but I could not figure out any good method for 

14 implementing batching and client methods together while maintaining static 

15 type safety and without making the templates horrible to maintain. If you 

16 have found a method that you think is good please make an issue/PR. 

17 """ 

18 actions = client.user 

19 for name, meth in inspect.getmembers(client.batch_().user, inspect.ismethod): 

20 if name.startswith('_'): 

21 continue 


23 actual = inspect.signature(meth).replace(return_annotation=inspect.Signature.empty) 

24 expected = inspect.signature(getattr(actions, name)).replace(return_annotation=inspect.Signature.empty) 

25 assert actual == expected, f'{name} methods are inconsistent'