Coverage for src/prisma/ 93%

26 statements  

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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 


3__title__ = 'prisma' 

4__author__ = 'RobertCraigie' 

5__license__ = 'APACHE' 

6__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2020-2023 RobertCraigie' 

7__version__ = '0.13.1' 


9from typing import TYPE_CHECKING 


11from . import errors as errors 

12from .utils import setup_logging 

13from ._types import PrismaMethod as PrismaMethod 

14from ._config import config as config 

15from ._metrics import ( 

16 Metric as Metric, 

17 Metrics as Metrics, 

18 MetricHistogram as MetricHistogram, 


20from .validator import * 


22# the import ordering is important here because 

23# we rely on the fact that `prisma/` is the 

24# first piece of generated code that is loaded. This is 

25# especially useful for `python -m prisma_cleanup` 


27 from .client import * # noqa: I001, TID251 

28 from .fields import * # noqa: TID251 

29 from . import ( 

30 bases as bases, # noqa: TID251 

31 types as types, # noqa: TID251 

32 models as models, # noqa: TID251 

33 partials as partials, # noqa: TID251 

34 ) 

35except ModuleNotFoundError: 

36 # code has not been generated yet 

37 # TODO: this could swallow unexpected errors 


39 # we only define this magic function when the client has not 

40 # been generated for performance reasons and we hide it from 

41 # type checkers so that they don't incidentally disable type 

42 # checking due to the dynamic nature of the `__getattr__` 

43 # magic dunder method. 

44 if not TYPE_CHECKING: 


46 def __getattr__(name: str): 

47 try: 

48 return globals()[name] 

49 except KeyError as err: 

50 # TODO: support checking for 'models' here too 

51 if name in {'Prisma', 'Client'}: 51 ↛ 53line 51 didn't jump to line 53, because the condition on line 51 was never true

52 # TODO: remove this frame from the stack trace 

53 raise RuntimeError( 

54 "The Client hasn't been generated yet, " 

55 'you must run `prisma generate` before you can use the client.\n' 

56 'See' 

57 ) from None 


59 # leaves handling of this potential error to Python as per PEP 562 

60 raise AttributeError() from err 


